Monday, March 14, 2011

Bellaire Broiler Burger

Well I know everyone is trying to keep up with the recent burst of blog posting coming out of C and C... Burgers have just been getting crushed at a rapid pace...

Not quite sure if I have actually informed everyone on the name of the blog itself, Crushing and Crashing! Crushing is pretty self explanatory... its knowing that there is a large burger in front of you and not being scared, its knowing that you might get crushed but are still ready to take on that challenge, but most importantly its about being a MAN! Crashing is what you do after you CRUSH! Its taking a snooze to let the stomach take a break and settle all that prime beef that you just crushing... Take as long as you want its well deserved after crushing! They are just two things that I fully enjoy here at C and C.

Also being avid sports fans... I feel it is only necessary to mention the fact that March Madness is happening now... I hope everyone is filling out a bracket... Just some friendly Do's and Don'ts for the tourney. Need a team to cheer for? Why not FSU?! I know a serious Gator fan will be out there reading this blog... GATOR BAIT... MAN-U-EL... MAN-U-EL... MAN-U-EL... On a more serious note though I am cheering for the Bruins in the tourney... for all those Bruins out there U-C-L-A FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!


This is a pretty simple little joint just off Bellaire Blvd just outside the loop. Local joint that not alot of people ate in, but quite a few called ahead. Might be the best way to do it...

Simple, yet effective
Not the best burger I have ever had... Its a good burger don't get me wrong however it would not be my first choice of burger joints. It did not seem like a hand made burger however it ate like one. I honestly thought it looked like a Burger King (slightly creepy I might add) burger with different cheese when I first got it. However it was still a good burger.

Slightly disappointing category... The biggest burger that they offer on the menu is 1/2 lb. You can add additional patties however it might be more difficult to order than its worth. The thing that really saved the joint in this category was the amount of fries that they give you. They have big fries and they give a good amount... so that is why they got a 3 in this category.

Like the others its fairly cheap... again for two you can eat for less than 20 bucks. So far the average price has hovered right around $9 total for each place so it gets the same rating as the first two. Total cost for the meal was $17.54. Two burgers fries and two drinks...

Well as you can imagine 1/2 lb burgers just dont really cut it... Are you kidding me 1/2 lb of meat and some fries is supposed to fill someone up? Why do burger joints think like that?! Your a burger joint why would you possibly limit the amount of beef you can order as a burger? It is your responsibility to fill up those who want beef and cheese in between two buns... Remember with great power comes really cool stuff... If I want a side a cow as my burger its your job to make me that burger...

This was actually probably one of the easiest burgers to eat. Because of its small size and lack of cheese of other goodies this burger held together remarkably well which made for an easy eat... even the girlfriend managed to keep this one together which was a remarkable feat considering the amount of toppings she incorporated into her burger. 

Pretty basic with the side dishes... Fries and onion rings. They did however have baked beans kind of an odd choice with a burger. Also they offered milkshakes for those of you who want ice cream with your burger... aka women... Personal opinion milkshakes ruin the true flavor of the meat and thats never a good thing. 

What can I say here? There was no ambiance? The place had the ambiance of an old folks home? There was nothing here... I mean the 7" travel tv was in black and white, it looked like the 70'spicked out the interior which means brown, yellow, and lighter brown... the two posters were of teams that didn't exist anymore... It was like a converted old house they even left the old lamps on the wall up... 

I mean the burger wasn't bad. The fries were decent. Overall it wasn't a bad burger joint however it just didn't have anything that made it stick out from the norm (just a funny pic I found)... So there it is you've read my opinion... Take it or leave it...

1 comment:

  1. I thought of this blog when I was in Memphis recently. There's a place there called Huey's with a burger that is absolutely amazing. It might not rank high on your "filling" score, but the flavor was one of the best burgers I've ever had. If you're ever there, make sure you check it out.
