Friday, April 22, 2011

Podcast Rant

Check out the Podcast... HERE

Mel's Country Cafe

Hey y'all! It's been a hot minute since my last post and for that I apologize to those loyal fans. Not making excuses however I'm not gonna lie I got caught up in the Dusty's, and a friend recently retired from the blogging world. You know its a real shame when someone leaves you all alone. I mean geez just look at N*SYNC that didn't work out for all of us did. We lost the creative genius that brought us Bye, Bye, Bye... 


Quality: 4
This was a good burger. Not the best burger ever however it was solid. I always respect when burger joints take the time to make homemade patties. Its that kind of dedication to the art that really makes a place special. Anyone can just whip out flash frozen patties, but real masters real burger artists take the time to make each burger their own and strive for greatness.

Quantity: 5
For those of you not really familiar with the Mega Mel Challenge its 2 lbs of beef patties, 1/2 lb of bacon, and a whole heap of lettuce and tomatoes. I'm here to tell you that I did not take down that challenge. Not out of fear, but out of the fact that people there were staring at me already and I didn't really want that attention from them. I did nail the Mel burger however which was 1.5 lbs of beef and 1/2 lb of bacon... 

Cost: 3
Cost of ok... It was above the magically $20 mark that other joints have established as an average point to judge from. It wasn't much more expensive though so its all good. 

Count them boys... 3... 1/2 lb patties

Full Factor: 4.5
You know what surprisingly this burger was large, but I didn't really struggle with it. Mainly cause I'm a burger beast so that not unusual. Seriously though this burger did fill me up. What people don't realize is that you have to train for large burgers, because you cant just make the leap for 1/2 pounders to just nailing pounders and more.

Ease of Eating: 3
It was a tall burger. So that makes it kinda awkward to eat. I'm not gonna lie I had to cut that bad boy in half in order to actually eat it. I mean other than that it was easy enough to eat so I had to dock it on that point. 

Side Dishes: 4
Fries, Onion Rings, and my personal favorite Tots... The tots were very good so I can't complain here. I mean they were fried just right crisp, crunchy, and most importantly they stayed like that. Sometimes you get those tots that can get soggy and that ain't what you want. 

I mean other that sticking out like a sore thumb it was just a like a pretty normal country cafe. When I say sticking out like a sore thumb I really mean it. I think two waitresses dropped their stuff in shock when I walked in. They had the typical red and white checkered table clothes. Just a good ol down home country joint. 

Overall: 3.9
It was a good burger. However unless you live close to the Tomball area it may not be worth the drive out there. I mean it was far. However I am dedicated to give y'all the best reviews I can bring y'all so I did it. 

I would like to add this on a side note this place was packed!! Also for those people that we there I would like to add please stop creeping when people walk in. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lankford's Grocery

Ok ok ok... I know many people have been long awaiting for this post. I finally found time to make it Lankford's... And what I mean by I finally had time is that I finally just stopped being a bum, turned off March Madness, and went to grab a delicious burger. BTW side note I think I need to go to Florida I hear the food is great!

So I'm sitting here reminiscing on my trip to Lankford's it was well worth the time and effort it takes to track it down and find it... however I made it and was jacked up!! So what I felt was a pretty solid chance to go 4 for 4 on the Final Four turned out to be a bunch of crap... All four of my teams played this weekend and only 1 made it in... Thank you Coach Cal. I mean seriously VCU?! 

Lankford's Grocery

Quality: 4.5
Great Burger! Let me just get that one out there... It was a very solid burger! Exactly what I think of when I think of a burger joint burger. Hand made fresh patties, a solid amount of cheese, and toasted buns. Its not like I love toasted buns however I do really enjoy that they took the time to toast my buns... Its the thought that counts. 

Quantity: 4.5
Good quantity of food. I had the triple and tots... for lunch it was a lot of food! Not that I'm complaining I knocked it down! I aint no woman! But no seriously its a good amount of food.

Cost: 4
Again like most places they are all around pretty much the same price. It was $20 bucks not bad by any stretch, and by this places reputation they could probably charge more so I'm glad they have stayed down to earth. Always a good sign that grandma hasn't jacked up the prices. 

Full Factor: 4.5
Oh my thats all I can say here... Its one of those burgers that almost took me down. I mean I watched em butcher the cow for my burger... I've nailed pounders and it just didnt feel like that to me. I'd be surprised if it wasnt 1 1/3lbs at least. You know what though at the end of the day I took it down like a champ! Those thoughts started creeping into my mind, but you know what I said? I said NO! Burger you will defeat me! It served as inspiration enough to let me kill the burger and tots... I'm a beast!

Ease of Eating: 4
Pretty easy to eat... Can't complain to much. I wish the bun to meat ratio was more balance. A lot of meat very little bun. Other than just getting my mouth around the burger it was easy to eat.

Side Dishes: 4.5
Oh my oh my... one word to sum it all up TOTS!! I mean they had the other basics as well, fries and onion rings. But come on people I'm talking about fresh tots... Not the soggy tots that you get at Sonic... Just the good 'ol fashioned deep fried tots. They are hard to find and even harder to perfect, but once you find one someone that can cook em just right its like perfection.

Well its an old house. Literally you are eating inside the old garage. They didn't even take down the garage down... However they do offer outdoor seating if thats more your thing. It only nice enough in Houston to do that a couple weeks out of the year... so... yea... Its a good ambiance overall though. The people are friendly and there is good food so not complaints.

Overall: 4.33
Great burger and great place... Overall very solid...

Just a shot of inside

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beck's Prime

As you can tell this post's format will be a little bit different than the others. Trust me the video was giving me grief throughout the entire process. Anyways check out the video its just a compilation of some things I wanted to throw together that really bring the blog together.

Sidetracking now but I hope everyone's bracket is still somewhat intact. The second round really tore mine up pretty bad... My final four is intact though (FloridaKansasKentucky, and Duke) knock on wood...

Quality: 4
It was a good burger. Hand pattied and grilled to order... Personally I would have loved to see more spice and flavor from the burger however in their defense I did mix cheeses american and cheddar which might have played with my taste buds just a bit...

Quantity: 4
It was good portions of both burger and fries. I have no complaints with either. I order cheese fries on the side with mine So overall quantity was perfectly fine.

Cost: 2
This was by far the most expensive place we have eaten at yet... It was 32 dollars for two cheeseburgers wow... I mean seriously what happened to this! Seeing as how I know there are more expensive burgers out there that why this only gets a two...

Full Factor: 3.5
I did what I ordered it to do... I ordered it in the attempt not to be hungry anymore and it satisfied that however I did not walk out with that typical Thanksgiving type of feel. However not alot of places can give you that kind of service.

Ease of Eating: 3
The bun to meat ratio here was not good... I ordered a large burger and by the end I felt like I ordered a steak. Also as you can tell by the video it was very greasy. Don't get me wrong here I like a good ol greasy cheeseburger as much as the next guy, but come on it was literally soaking the bun... Just drain a little bit please...

Side Dishes: 4
Typical side dishes... Onion rings and fries... you can get cheese fries if your heart so desires. Just not much to comment on here... you can see the video.

Well its kind of a mix between chain place and joint place... I mean they have the patio for those days it feels just too good to be inside however the inside makes it feels more like McDonald's than a joint. It would be a decent place to grab a quick lunch with some friends or a quick lunch date with a girl. Other than that not a place big on atmosphere. 

Overall: 3.4
This place has a good burger but it comes at a relatively steep price. Is it worth the price tag is up to you... So there it is another one in the books... I hope you enjoyed the video! You stay classy San Diego!

Not as many links this post I felt like the video does most of the talking... However I would like to give a a shout out to a guy that is in every sense of the word a non-duster... Stu P.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bellaire Broiler Burger

Well I know everyone is trying to keep up with the recent burst of blog posting coming out of C and C... Burgers have just been getting crushed at a rapid pace...

Not quite sure if I have actually informed everyone on the name of the blog itself, Crushing and Crashing! Crushing is pretty self explanatory... its knowing that there is a large burger in front of you and not being scared, its knowing that you might get crushed but are still ready to take on that challenge, but most importantly its about being a MAN! Crashing is what you do after you CRUSH! Its taking a snooze to let the stomach take a break and settle all that prime beef that you just crushing... Take as long as you want its well deserved after crushing! They are just two things that I fully enjoy here at C and C.

Also being avid sports fans... I feel it is only necessary to mention the fact that March Madness is happening now... I hope everyone is filling out a bracket... Just some friendly Do's and Don'ts for the tourney. Need a team to cheer for? Why not FSU?! I know a serious Gator fan will be out there reading this blog... GATOR BAIT... MAN-U-EL... MAN-U-EL... MAN-U-EL... On a more serious note though I am cheering for the Bruins in the tourney... for all those Bruins out there U-C-L-A FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!


This is a pretty simple little joint just off Bellaire Blvd just outside the loop. Local joint that not alot of people ate in, but quite a few called ahead. Might be the best way to do it...

Simple, yet effective
Not the best burger I have ever had... Its a good burger don't get me wrong however it would not be my first choice of burger joints. It did not seem like a hand made burger however it ate like one. I honestly thought it looked like a Burger King (slightly creepy I might add) burger with different cheese when I first got it. However it was still a good burger.

Slightly disappointing category... The biggest burger that they offer on the menu is 1/2 lb. You can add additional patties however it might be more difficult to order than its worth. The thing that really saved the joint in this category was the amount of fries that they give you. They have big fries and they give a good amount... so that is why they got a 3 in this category.

Like the others its fairly cheap... again for two you can eat for less than 20 bucks. So far the average price has hovered right around $9 total for each place so it gets the same rating as the first two. Total cost for the meal was $17.54. Two burgers fries and two drinks...

Well as you can imagine 1/2 lb burgers just dont really cut it... Are you kidding me 1/2 lb of meat and some fries is supposed to fill someone up? Why do burger joints think like that?! Your a burger joint why would you possibly limit the amount of beef you can order as a burger? It is your responsibility to fill up those who want beef and cheese in between two buns... Remember with great power comes really cool stuff... If I want a side a cow as my burger its your job to make me that burger...

This was actually probably one of the easiest burgers to eat. Because of its small size and lack of cheese of other goodies this burger held together remarkably well which made for an easy eat... even the girlfriend managed to keep this one together which was a remarkable feat considering the amount of toppings she incorporated into her burger. 

Pretty basic with the side dishes... Fries and onion rings. They did however have baked beans kind of an odd choice with a burger. Also they offered milkshakes for those of you who want ice cream with your burger... aka women... Personal opinion milkshakes ruin the true flavor of the meat and thats never a good thing. 

What can I say here? There was no ambiance? The place had the ambiance of an old folks home? There was nothing here... I mean the 7" travel tv was in black and white, it looked like the 70'spicked out the interior which means brown, yellow, and lighter brown... the two posters were of teams that didn't exist anymore... It was like a converted old house they even left the old lamps on the wall up... 

I mean the burger wasn't bad. The fries were decent. Overall it wasn't a bad burger joint however it just didn't have anything that made it stick out from the norm (just a funny pic I found)... So there it is you've read my opinion... Take it or leave it...

Christian's Totem? Tailgate?

So its that time again... Another burger joint has joined the ranks of the most exclusive burger blog in all of Houston...

I went to nail a joint called Christian's Tailgate... You may wonder about the confusion of the name of the post... Since the last time I had been there they have changed their name from Christian's Totem to Christian's Tailgate... Odd I know... I am quite confused myself... Anyways here it is for your viewing pleasure...

NASCAR says Totem... Sign says Tailgate?

This is a solid burger everything you would expect from a bar and grill. They may be confused on the name, but they are not confused on how to make a burger. You know its quality when you can tell they make the burgers by hand. None of the pre-cooked frozen patties were talking real americans (apparently mcdonalds pays well) making real burgers.

When I say quantity this is what I mean... They offer a variety of sizes here ranging from meager 1/3 lb burger to the manly 1 lb of pure american beef burger. Best part is that its one of those rare breeds that offers the pounder as a combo meal. Pounder, fries, and a drink... what a combo?!

This place is not costly... you can eat for two for less than 20 bucks. We're talking about at least two pounds total of food for under $20 thats a steal. Let me also fill you in on a secret its $1 drafts on Monday and Wednesday nights... Cheap food (thats also good) and cheap beer... Really what else do you need me to say you?!

Its that feeling you get like when you have done something beyond great... Or its like that feeling on Thanksgiving you get when you've eaten so much that it makes it hard to breath? Yea one of those feelings when walk out... assuming you wont wimp out and not finish the burger... I will say this there aren't many rules to eating burgers however there are some burgers law that exist... BURGER LAW #1 never let the burger dominate you!!! If you order it you finish it or forever be known as a woman and shunned by your friends for a minimum of 2 weeks...

Ok this is where the burger took its worst shot... The patties are thick which in turn makes the burger tall... Therefore the sheer size of the burger is what makes the burger not as easy to eat. I'm not saying its difficult I'm just saying its not for the faint of heart (or small of stature) to crush the pounder...

I realize that the first post I did was devoid of regular side dishes however I can promise you this one is not. They keep it simple with real american classics (how could you honestly be more american than that?). You have fries, cheese fries, or chili cheese fries, and onion rings... Doneski!!!! Beer battered fries and rings but what else would you expect from a bar and grill.

Ambiance... this is a place you can take anyone. Its a great bar to go with friends to watch games... They have multiple tv's all over the place and the only thing ever on in sports. Seeing as how March Madness is coming up I would recommend this place to watch games and grab a brew. Also if your so inclined to challenge your friends in slide board they also have one of those to play before or after you eat.

This is a solid place that has a good burger and good overall ambiance. It will leave you and your wallet full. I highly recommend this place for those you that haven't been there already. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bubba's Texas Burger Shack

Well here it is the moment everyone has been waiting for... The first joint on the list... Bubba's Texas Burger Shack. All I have to say is good luck finding it. You think I'm joking. It's literally under the Westpark tollway. However as you can tell they have recently joined the rest of us on the internet and have made themselves a website. I must say for a shack they have a pretty solid website. Ok on to why you're here... Just to wet your appetite

Super Fresh (out front of Bubba's)

Quality: 4.5
Its a solid burger. They don't try to screw you on cheese. There is a nice blend of seasonings that make the overall quality of this burger very high. They offer both beef and buffalo for your burger. If you ask them they will suggest buffalo (big buffalo endorsers). They offer a wide variety of toppings including white or wheat buns, jalapenos, bacon (yes thats bacon they used to make those), as well as your typical condiments. 

Quantity: 2
What can I say here? There's just not much there. The burger is good just not overwhelming. Your average joe could walk in and crush any burger in the joint. They aren't big patties so if your not that hungry this could be a place for you. That is why this place is getting such low ratings in this category. 

Cost: 4
This place is fairly low cost. Were talking around 6 dollars for a burger. Total with drink and a side less than 10 bucks thats pretty solid bang for you buck. I'm pretty sure together we spent around 15 dollars. Unlike McDonald's you won't regret spending a few bucks here for a quality burger. 

Full Factor: 1
Well to put in nicely this place will leave you desiring more. The patties looked like 1/4 lb patties and seeing as how the largest burger you can get is a double your looking at a 1/2 lb burger... Seriously?! Whats that supposed to be an appetizer? If I wanted an appetizer I would have ordered this. Slightly disappointed however here's something that will make you chuckle.

Ease of Eating: 2.5
It's not like eating a burger is complicated... however it get significantly more difficult when being eaten out of ballpark hotdog holder. I mean its already greasy now I have to dig it out... I just want to pick it up and eat it. Its that simple. 

Side Dishes: 0.5
This place has odd sides. There are no fries, onion rings, or tots. I mean it is truly a burger without these, these, or both of them together? Instead you have to choose from chips, jalapeno potato salad, nachos, and chili... I thought this was America instead I felt like I was here. call me traditional but its a truly unique combination to say the least. If your in to those kinda of sides then this is the place for you.

This a place where this kind of stuff is cool and celebrated. Don't get me wrong I'm a big Cash fan. This a guys joint where you can enjoy a nice cold brew while enjoying your burger. They offer a nice selection of beers and even offer happy hour discounts. Its full of bumper stickers of old rock/country singers and has a nice playlist.

The overall score here is a bit misleading. There were some things that hurt this place such as side dishes. The burger itself was pretty good, and considering how this is burger blog I have to give a good word of mouth rating. I wont fudge the numbers, buts its a solid burger.

People were still taking suggestions for new places. Give us some ideas and we'll do some recon on your  suggestion.